Community Spotlight: Warm Springs
The Warm Springs Indian Reservation, governed by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, is home to more than 3,400 people from the Warm Springs, Wasco and Paiute Native American tribes. These people share a rich culture thousands of years in the making, woven from the tapestries of revered ancestors and preserved to nurture the bright hopes of their families.
Over the past five years, Furnish Hope and Warm Springs have opened their doors to each other, forging connections and building a partnership that reminds us what is possible when individuals and organizations make a commitment to continually show up for those in need.
Each engagement has allowed us to peel back the layers of need within the beautiful Warm Springs community and to reinforce the layers of help available.
Through our initial invitation in 2019, we learned how the Warm Springs Indian reservation operated, what they were proud of and what was important to them. We earned their trust and a vote of confidence after furnishing a building to house twelve children who had been removed from unhealthy family living situations. Engagements since that first one were slow, until this summer, when a series of opportunities gave us a greater presence and prompted an increased demand for our services.
In June, Furnish Hope was asked to provide beds for ten newly-built cottages. It soon became obvious that the need was greater, and we agreed to provide all furnishings and household essentials for these units as well as a duplex designated to house women and children. Our generous Furnish Hope community answered our call for immediate help and stepped up in force with financial contributions, donated furniture and Amazon order fulfillment. We remain grateful for generous gestures like these.
Watch the Furnishing of the Cottage Project
Trust was built. Connections were made. Relationships were formed. Warm Springs continued to invite our engagement and Furnish Hope continued to say yes.
Summer routines evolved to include regular interaction with the Warm Springs community. At weekly events in the community area, we shared our mission, answered questions and distributed over 3,000 towels previously donated by Sunriver Resort. Furnish Hope now joins the monthly Native Aspirations Tribal Coalition Meeting, and it is an honor to sit at that table and collaborate with others on ways to meet the needs of the community.
Opportunities for continued engagement with this unique community are already being planned for the months ahead. After distributing bedding to hundreds of families attending a back-to-school BBQ, we learned that many homes lacked actual beds. Working with the school district and local FAN advocates, we have promised to return October 7th with a delivery of mattresses, frames and additional linens for over 26 households. In December, we will transform a community space for our annual Christmas giveaway where donated holiday decor will be offered to Warm Spring families to create their own holiday magic.
With each gesture, each delivery and each furnished home, Furnish Hope has shown our commitment. In turn, we have been met with warm appreciation and the privilege to continue to return and partner with this community.