A Beautiful Celebration of HOPE
Thank you for helping us raise more than $180,000!
We are grateful for all who have said 'yes' and taken a seat at Furnish Hope's table of supporters and to all who contributed in countless ways to this year's CHAIRitable Event's success!
It was indeed a night to remember as over 200 Furnish Hope supporters gathered on May 16th at the Tetherow Resort Pavilion for our third annual Take your Seat: A CHAIRitable Event. Attendees not only accepted our invitation to 'take a seat' at beautifully adorned tables for an evening of delicious food and lively entertainment, but through their collective generosity, helped provide seats at tables for many of our neighbors in need.
One highlight was listening to Tyler, a Furnish Hope recipient, share how impactful it was for his daughter to place pink tape on the items in the warehouse that she wanted for her bedroom. We can all relate to the pride and dignity that comes from the simple act of personally selecting items that will go into our home.
Another highlight was watching all those paddles enthusiastically raise in support of our Essentials Fund with contributions pouring in to match the $25,000 generously established by two anonymous donors. As we prepare to furnish close to 500 homes this year, this Essentials Fund will help purchase necessities such as dressers, bed frames and other items when donations run low. Thanks to the generosity, we can now purchase 250 dressers and bed frames this year!
The night was truly a testament to the power of our community coming together to collectively take part in furnishing homes and igniting hope…